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Tuesday, March 02, 2010


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Sue, I love your cards! Thanks for sharing. I hope your weather warms up soon and that you don't have to do jury duty. Feel better...



Shelley in SC

Oh my goodness. Can you believe it? Did you have snow all day yesterday? It sure did here . . . felt like I was back in Pennsylvania. Bring on the spring!!


Spring is in the air, it must be coming soon??? :)
Thank you dear Sue for sharing these lovely images! Each one is sweeter than the next.
It was after receiving your box of delights that I realized how effective enlarging images was. The precious roller skater bringing me birthday posies is right here by me always!
I see I have lots of catching up to do!
Thinking of you and your jury duties...can't quite find the words to express what I'm feeling about it.

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