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Monday, April 12, 2010


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Sue, your post really makes me smile. Every spring we have bluebirds that are almost constantly on our windowsills. They peck at the windows to the point of making us a bit crazy. From what we have learned, they think they see another bird in their window reflection. Besides the constant pecking making us crazy, they leave droppings all over my windowsills. It would be one thing if I just had one windowsill to clean, but they graciously go to multiple windows. As much as I love bluebirds, I am always glad when they get past this time.

How did you like our Dukies?!!! I miss you.


very odd ... in the past we've had kamikazee cardinals that would beat themselves into windows mercilessly and to our great annoyance as nothing would stop them from thinking they were attacking some handsome cardinal perhaps trying to take over their territory
last year we had a CRAZEE Robin Redbreast, it was not fun and I adore birds of all kinds!
At one point, I conjectured that perhaps overuse of fertilizers and such on so many American lawns is beginning to affect the bird population??? Come to think of it the bees have been a bit wonky too ... rutrow!
You certainly got some wonderful pictures!

Linda Jo

They had a special message for you, didn't they! Abit disturbing...but perhaps not. ha!

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