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Thursday, July 22, 2010


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How is it that they tend to NOT HEAR only our voices, sugar, the voice of th' wife?! Hmmmm, chick?!?!



**HUGE sigh!**** I want to live by the ocean too!!! Hugs, Terri xoxoxo


You are wonderful and so are those photos! Oh, how breathtaking! Where is that? Just stunning, Sue.


Sheila :-)

Autumn Clark

Ha! I can so relate. I love those signs. Thank you so much for your very warming comments, Sue. They really mean a lot to me.
~ Autumn


I've only been to the ocean a small handful of times. It's been my desire to get my kids there. Well, one went off and did it by herself her first year in college and I imagine that may be the way it happens--each as they get older. There really is something so incredible about it. I'm glad I got to relive it again through your post. AND, I love the little tin--especially right now as my laundry room is OVERflowing!!

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