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Tuesday, September 28, 2010


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Linda Richter

She is sooooooo beautiful! I love her! You should show her more often...of course, I have dog issues. ha! I love photoshop.

Autumn Clark

Ah yes, photoshop. Will the world ever believe that something is really that beautiful in a photo ever again?! LOL! She's a real sweetie pie!
Autumn Clark

Cynthia Schelzig

What beautiful fotos!!! I am in awe....the dog with her eyes closed and the ball in her mouth and all wet and MUDDDDDY.....just fabulous....Great blog!!!


again you take us all down a lovely road ...
I can almost smell the fresh rain and your pooch is precious and does indeed clean up beautifully in PS ... you are so good!

I was just telling a friend about my changing of the seasons issues or maybe it's just change in general ... it takes a while but then I get on board ... thank you for taking me there sweetly!

Cathe Holden

Gorgeous! I just LOVE to see the amazing things peeps can do with the vintage stuff I share. This is one of the best!!

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