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Thursday, December 02, 2010


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Sue, I will certainly pray for Suz. As far as spending time in prayer...I used to have a very devoted prayer life then sick kids...then the computer...this post of Sues here: http://chiccottagejunk.blogspot.com/2010/01/my-devotions-are-in-wrong-place.html#comments
made me uncomfortable and really got me back on the right track. Now, I spend time with the scriptures and prayer before turning to the computer and it is so much better. Not telling you what to do because I have NO idea what He would be asking you, just sharing.


Your photos are spectacular Sue ♥ What a gorgeous post!

I came downstairs with my cup of coffee this morning, and I was thinking of you. There is just the tiniest hint out my window that the sun will soon be rising on this day. And, like you, I often am reflective. It is good to take the time to think of all that is going on in our lives and around us. I count you among my blessings. I can visit you with a click of my mouse, and you always have a bright light on for me.

I will visit Suz. My heart drooped just reading those words. I pray daily for a cure for all cancers. There are so many wonderful and brilliant people that are dedicating their lives to this extreme cause. For now, we will join our hands and hearts in love and support.

Cherie Wilson

Hello there dear one:) Thankyou for your thoughtful post. I didn't know about Suz and I am so glad you shared this. She truely is a special lady. All of your post reminds me to be grateful and just as I posted a few minutes ago..........Christmas will come no matter what! No matter if we pray little or lots.........and a host of other things we "want" to do better. Christmas will come. So grateful for that! You have yourself a merry little hug from me, won't you???!!

Linda Richter

What a beautiful post! And, I have been praying for Suz and her dear husband. How wonderful of you to post about it here....I know she will treasure that.

I've missed you on Pink Saturday. Come back and play with us. Our theme this week is favorite holiday movies.

I had a sweet visit back from Suz. They remain in my prayers.

Katsui Jewelry

oh, my...i a, overcome. thank you! i am going to get a little teary here.
big hugs,


glad I waited for a peaceful moment to come and visit ... a chance to contemplate each word and lovely image ... Suz and Jud and Kat continue to be in my thoughts and prayers...so beautiful what you've shared here with us dear Sue

there is beauty and power in prayer...thank you for touching my heart and for all of your sweet messages on my Magpie's Nest too


Such a beautiful heartfelt post Sue, I have missed your blog, you always manage to inspire me :)
Like you I am trying to find time to be more reflective, live in the moment and in gratitude. I feel I am pulled in all directions lately.

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