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Wednesday, March 16, 2011


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Handsome fella with a nice personality - what more could a chick want? :)
I am starting to hear a few birds here, so Spring is on it's way!


Holy cow! Those are all female cardinals?! Just awesome!


ooo sweet delight!
your cardinal pics are magnificent
what power is your zoom lens?
thank you for sharing
as always
dear Sue!

Autumn Clark

I sat with coffee and watched the birds play in the back yard this morning, finding it just wonderful to pause and enjoy this. I started throwing out bread (that would normally be in the trash) for them and hope that goes well (i.e. does not cause ants). My new neighbors put up this hideous fence and it has been a big source of stress in my life over the past year. But the squirrels love to run across the top line of it and I have found so much pleasure in watching them do so. The bright side of every situation can be found when we pause and look for it. I love that you stop and observe these natural beauties in your life. You always remind me to do the same. Big hugs,
Autumn Clark

Sue, I haven't had much time to enjoy the wonder around me, but I certainly enjoy what you shared. Thank you for this.♥

Linda Jo

LOL.....I love it... he IS the bird world's answer to the Old Spice Guy!!! The cardinals are my favorite in my yard!!!

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