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Thursday, June 02, 2011


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Thespoena McLaughlin

Now THAT is a beautiful doll. Love her wooden hands. So lovely! And I'm so glad the Where Bloggers Create party is coming again this year. I've signed up and now hoping to get my studio built by then. A lot of work to do...


Oh, she is a beauty, Sue! I never knew dolls were made with tin!

I won't be participating in the WBC party this year, but look forward to visiting everyone who does!

We hit 70 degrees this week and the aspen leaves are finally out. So I'm declaring Winter over - and Painting Season begins!!! :)

Have a happy one,
~ Zuzu

Linda Jo

Love, love, love the doll!!!!!! What a find! It was 101 here today.... aren't you glad you moved?!!! I hope to have time to do something creative soon.... should be able to next week. I must go check out Mary Ann's sneak peek!

maria cecilia

Hola Sue, thereĀ“s so, soooo much beauty all over your blog, such a great pleasure finding you!!!
hugs from Chile


ooo I {heart} your German dolly so very much...what a precious find indeed!
she really is a beauty...pretty hands and very cute in the rearview mirror too (you crack me up!)
She (will you name her?) is quite the shutterbug :)

Stay Cool Jewel...that's HOT!
We are enjoying what now feels like spring after our blaze of hot hazy and humid a couple of days ago...Mother Nature is fickle...

Happy Friday Dear One!

Terri Kahrs

Sue, what a beautiful treasure!!! She's absolutely gorgeous, and I think you were meant to be her new Mom. Love your pics of her! Hugs, Terri xoxo


Dear Sue, she is fantastic- ,what a beautiful doll, I never had one with tin head in my hands- she is something very special- you have been a lucky finder--
thank you for your sweet words on my blog- I`m proud of having all you dear friends in my life.


You know old dolls usually kind of "creep" me but this one is something else. She is truly intriguing and your pictures really bring that out!

Cynthia Schelzig

This Belle has seen better days...ahh the stories she could tell if she could. I think old dolls get a bad rap ,,,thanks to "Chucky" and his weird pals....love how you photgraphed her too.


Sue, you always find the best things for the best photo shoots don't ya?
Love what you have done with her photos, do you think you will be sewing clothes for her, or are you looking for vintage dolls clothes. Oooooo that would be so neat.

Happy Anniversary for tomorrow btw, we are going out for the day :)


What a payoff for a long wait, she is really beautiful. I love how you photographed her for us to see. The one in the tree....priceless. I have never even seen a doll such as this one, so I really enjoyed this post. Enjoy her.

Pandora Charms

so cult,Love what you have done with her photos

Christian Louboutin Shoes

This site is very meritorious and detestable,I appreciate!

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