Sometimes a little whim has me chasing rabbits...
...or bunny ears...specifically felted bunny ears....
...with wires in them so they can bend!
...and might as well make a hat to stick them in....
...and don't forget to hand sew some vintage bias tape around the edges so you can tie it on to someone's head...and add some vintage pom pom balls too!
Easter's on its way you know....
...and he could sit on a glass jar filled with chocolate eggs covered in pretty pastel foiled wrappers! {or jelly beans!}
But don't buy them just yet because you know you'll eat too many of them...
Those little pom poms made from tulle would sure make a sweet bunny tail...
Another one of the dollies thought she should have a chance to have her picture taken in the new hat as well. Have you ever noticed the tendency in curly-haired folks to stir the pot of life just a tad more than straight-hair folks do? That's why I religiously take a flat iron to my curly improves your personality. Seriously.
Since this little hat I made reminded me of this Ralphie scene from A Christmas Story...
I'll leave you with one last picture of a "Ralphie" version of my new hat!
But also wanted to share the scrumptious ground cover phlox that is showing off in my flower beds right now. Wish it would bloom all summer, but it doesn't....such a hardy perennial to plant that will naturally spread over the years.
Hope you're finding some time for silly too. It's important too you know!
Xo, Sue
p.s. AND speaking of time, And of PS {PINK SATURDAY} I'm linking to my fellow Duke Blue Devil's fan, Miss Beverly at How Sweet the Sound to play in her weekly Saturday event! Saturday's are typically not a good day for me to play on the computer so it's fun to HIPPITY HOP back aboard for today!