The dreaded task of choosing new paint colors for our interior walls has come to visit me. I've saved notes, collected paint swatches for some time but the perfect shade of a deeper, richer taupe/brown/neutral is eluding me. Either too much of a pink hue, or too much green, or not dark enough, or....
And, no! None of the colors found on the ends of my old mill spools are in the running...I just love the looks of them all gathered together as they currently sit in my art room. I'm removing the vintage trims I had wound around them because I've come up with a different storage solution for those...more on that in another post.
One thing's for sure though...I'm going to need to repaint! Scattered throughout the house are swatches of paint colors I've slathered on the walls in gobs of places. I'm liking this color up close (and how it appears in the photo)...but from far away (and in real life), in addition to the combo of our high ceilings and lots of windows, it gets washed out. Just doesn't add the warmth I'm looking for...
As and added bonus, I was lucky enough to have the oldest son spend some time sanding down our breakfast table chairs. Or chair. Several hours later, one done, five more to go.
Take a peek at the chewed up rung on the chair to the right. "Puppy love"...woof woof! Since Sophie {our doggie} is almost two, and has "matured" beyond the I-must-eat-only-the-good-furniture stage, I think it's now safe to repair or replace the pieces upon which she's placed her chewing signature.
Yes indeed, time to step it up from the beaver chewed look to something more along the lines of this...
The corner cabinet in the photo is a recent nab at a steal of a price from a dealer at the Scott Antique Market that comes to Atlanta once a month.
A shot of the top of the cabinet...isn't the detailing wonderful?
Even hubby loved the painted look and the warmth that it oozes... so much so, that he is trying to convince me to have our {GULP} cherry kitchen cabinets painted out as well...
What a job though...not one I'd tackle myself. I would hire it out. What do you think? Would you?! On one hand, it seems horrible to paint over cherry wood...on the other hand, as my DH answered that question..."Happiness is worth a lot too..."
He's got a point. Sort of. Happiness may not be the right word. But still....I think we'll sit tight for the time being and when all is finished with the other phases of this redecorating project, we'll take another look at it. In other words....mull it over. After all, I'm an expert at that activity!