Want another reason to learn Photoshop? One click later and this photo went from normal to fun.
It's also of a photo taken nearly 14 years ago. Back in the days when we all used film cameras.
The camera I used back then wasn't of great quality. So naturally, the shots I captured weren't the best either. But the photos will always be priceless to me. Now I can laugh at our youngest's messy day. {actually, it was pretty funny back then too}
~In his brand new outfit.
~The outfit with the little navy plaid shorts with a matching navy plaid, zip up the front jacket. {not to mention reversable!}
~His brother had an identical outfit.
~The same brother that helped fling mud.
~The outfits that were purchased for Grandpa's big retirement shin-dig that was yet to be when this shot was snapped.
With a large creek bordering our property, not to mention all the new construction happening in our subdivision with access to all kinds of building materials, piles of builder's dirt, half-full paint cans, and dumpsters filled with treasures, every day was full of surprises back in those days!
But I digress...
Back to the main point! Reasons why you might want to learn to use Photoshop...
What I am also finding as I scan in old photos is the ability to improve the images in PSE. Sometimes just converting them to black and white or sepia tones also seems to give them a little boost in the quality department. Adding a subtle texture can also step them up a notch. As well as playing with the levels, etc.
I just noticed that Kim Klassen has another section of her online class Photoshop-The Essentials beginning June 21st. Kim is such a great teacher! Come on...you know you've been wanting to learn Photoshop.
Oh, and by the way, just in case you wondered, after a few days of soaking the shirt in Biz, I did manage to win against the flung mud disaster! The little outfit was worn at Grandpa's retirement party!
credits: texture on 3rd photo from DJ Pettite