There are so many awesome parties in the world of blog these days. The talent and inspiration found at each of these events is beyond wonderful. Wish there were enough hours in the day to participate much more often than I do. But today, for the first time, I'm joining the party over at A Rosy Note. Loads of inspiring photography each Friday!
I discovered this beautiful blog and the party through the big dreamer, Connie! {Also a fun blog to visit!} Today's theme is flowers....something near and dear to my heart. {insert a sweet, contented sigh}
There is also a BIG PARTY about to take place at Pink Saturday. It's the three year anniversary of this event! As soon as my friend Beverly posts the gathering spot, I'll be updating to play in her event as well! Rumor has it that there are lots of giveaways happening during this celebration!
Update: click on the Big Party above and it will take you to the celebration!
And we all know, that without these scary little creatures, there wouldn't be flowers. Despite the fact that I am deathly afraid of bees, I still find them to be fascinating little fellas. So much so, that after trying unsuccessfully with my longer lenses [meaning: stay as far away as possible!] to get a good shot, I threw caution to the wind and slapped on my 50mm lens.
I am so brave. Half the battle is just facing our fears, isn't it? Moving forward despite how uncomfortable it happens to be.
Who knows? Maybe one day I won't search the web for ways to deter bees from messing with my space.
Here's a few of my favorite:
~Hang a fake hornet's nest in one of your trees. Hornets are territorial and once they see another colony has claimed this turf, they move on. One source even said a brown lunch bag stuffed with plastic would do the trick as the hornets won't come close enough to find out it isn't real!
~Wear light colors and smooth fabric. Bees are attracted to dark and texture. Wool and leather make them angry!
~If you kill a bee and the hive is out! They can smell the kill and will come and attack you.
~There are all kinds of non-toxic, homemade repellents plastered throughout the internet. I've seen ones with ingredients such as Ivory soap, tea tree oil, orange oil, etc.
~Also, if you're going to take a nest out at night {the recommended time for doing so} never shine a flash light into the nest. This will make them mad. Instead, cover the flashlight with red cellophane as bees can't see red light!
~This one I learned from an exterminator after I had the misfortune of walking across a ground nest once...if you do come across a ground nest, before you move, stand and watch and observe the flight pattern the hornets use to enter the nest. They have a definite pattern for approaching and entering. If you cross the flight pattern line, you will get stung!
Then again, maybe you don't care about avoiding bees because you're REALLY brave like these young ladies:
Seriously. Who would do this? Don't do this. But do take a peek at all the participants in Pink Saturday and over at A Rosy Note!
Looking forward to browsing myself over the long three day weekend!
Xo, Sue
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