There's been a lot of chatter going on in blogland about hoarding. No doubt it has become a topic of conversation due to the new TV show featured on the history channel. But is causing me to take a hard look at my own "collections"....yipes. This sentiment was only fueled by my middle child's recent teasing comment of "Mom, I think you have potential to become a hoarder one day!"
Whew. "ONE DAY." He didn't say that TODAY I am a hoarder. Rather, I have potential...but still. And he's right! As much as I hate to admit it, I have too much stuff. I have been a collector for several decades, but I need to scale back...big time. To share more....
So with that sentiment in mind, one goal of mine is to share more of my vintage stuff here in blogland with those who like this same stuff. So please feel free to save any of my images today for your own personal use. I'm perfectly fine with you using these images in things you will create for resale...just please don't sell the actual images in a collage sheet, CD, etc.
...and the same label in a couple of other colors...
If anyone has some great advice, words of wisdom, ideas they've used for de-stashing I'd love to hear them! Meanwhile, I did manage to do a once through the old closet and have two knee high piles of stuff that's going to Goodwill... box at a time....wish me luck....or better yet, perseverance, discipline, focus, determination.......!